GM Sources Renewable Energy to Power 100% of U.S. Operations

Automotive giant GM announced that has achieved its goal to secure enough renewable energy to power all of its U.S. sites by 2025, solidifying the company’s position as the largest offtaker of renewable power in the automotive OEM industry.
The achievement follows GM’s announcement last year of its plan to reach 100% renewable energy for U.S. site by 2025, five years ahead of its prior 2030 target, set only months earlier. The 2030 target was made alongside a series of sustainability commitments, which also included goals to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040, and an aspiration to eliminate tailpipe emissions from new light-duty vehicles by 2035.
GM’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Kristen Siemen, said:
“Securing the renewable energy we need to achieve our goal demonstrates tangible progress in reducing our emissions in all aspects of our business, ultimately moving us closer to our vision of a future with zero emissions.”
With the completion of the new agreements, GM’s renewable energy portfolio now includes sourcing agreements from 16 renewable energy plants across 10 states. The company said that it has already realized positive cash flows from its portfolio, amounting to $75 million since 2017, and expects to continue to do so.
The company outlined the key pillars of its renewable energy strategy, which in addition to sourcing renewables also includes initiatives to increase energy efficiency, address intermittency by creating technology to store renewable energy over the medium and long term, and advocate for policies supporting carbon-free, resilient power systems.
Siemen said:
“We believe it is critical — to ourselves, to our customers and to the future of the planet — to step up our efforts and reach ambitious targets that move us closer to a more sustainable world.”
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