Apollo, Oak Hill Launch ESG Disclosure Initiative for Private Credit Market

A group of alternative asset managers announced today the launch of the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Integrated Disclosure Project (ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP) template, a new tool aimed at providing a standard format for ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. disclosures for the private credit market.
The new initiative was founded by partners including Apollo Global Management and Oak Hill Advisors, and is led by the Alternative Investment Management Association’s private credit affiliate, the Alternative Credit Council (ACC), the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA), and the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
Michael Kashani, Head of ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Credit at Apollo and the inaugural Chair of the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP, said:
“I am thrilled to be a part of the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP as it represents an important step in addressing ongoing ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. disclosure challenges in the private credit markets. We believe that this harmonized approach will increase the availability of ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. disclosure for both LPs and GPs.”
According to the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP, the new template aims to enhance transparency and consistency for private companies as well as for credit investors by providing a standard format for ESG-related disclosures. One of the key objectives of the initiative is to ensure that ESG-related data requested by financiers can be realistically provided by businesses of various sizes, including SMEs.
The template includes both a standardized reporting tool, as well as a guide to borrowers on lenders’ ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. expectations. The tool includes a set of general, industry-agnostic questions which offer a baseline ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. assessment of the borrower’s business, as well as industry-specific questions, that have been sourced from the SASB standards.
The new tool aims to offer a series of benefits to private credit market stakeholders, including improving the consistency of disclosures for investors to help identify and assess industry-specific ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. risks in their portfolios, and providing borrowers with greater certainty on the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. indicators that are most relevant to lenders, and to focus on specific disclosures.
Jeff Cohen, Head of ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. & Sustainability at Oak Hill and Vice Chair of ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP said:
“We are excited to contribute to and support the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP, which applies a credit lens to the globally-recognized SASB standards to prioritize the subset of ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. factors most likely to be core to a company’s operations and, as a result, beneficial to lender underwriting. The ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP aligns with sponsor interests and addresses questionnaire fatigue felt by companies.”
Click here to access the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. IDP template.
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