Asset manager DWS’ exchange-traded funds business Xtrackers announced the launch of the Xtrackers U.S. Green Infrastructure Select Equity ETF, a new fund aimed at providing investors with exposure to investment opportunities in the U.S. green infrastructure sector.

The launch forms part of DWS’ listing of its first three thematic ETFs in the U.S., which also included new semiconductor and cybersecurity-focused ETFs.

Henry Wu, Xtrackers Product US Lead, said:

“With thematic investments, investors don’t focus on traditional sectors and companies, but on growth themes of the future. Xtrackers thematic ETFs offer investors solutions that provide access to investable growth themes, which may serve as an attractive complement to traditionally oriented portfolios.”

According to DWS, the new U.S. green infrastructure ETF is being launched to target short- and long-term investment opportunities resulting from project development from the revamping of U.S. infrastructure after the signing of major pieces of legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Amanda Rebello, Head of Xtrackers Sales, U.S. Onshore, at DWS Group said:

“Recent legislation developments have created a fertile ground for investment opportunities within the U.S. green infrastructure, semiconductor and cybersecurity industries. We believe these sectors are poised to benefit from enhanced government spending, regulatory backing and the surging demand for cutting-edge global technologies and sustainable solutions.”

The new ETF will track the Solactive United States Green Infrastructure ESG Screened Index, which consists of companies with business exposure to the production, generation or distribution of green energy, or engaged in establishing sustainable infrastructure to enable the use of renewable energy. Key industries targeted by the index include green mobility, green fuel, green energy, green wholesale power, environmental services and pollution control.

Timo Pfeiffer, Chief Markets Officer at Solactive, said:

“Thematic investments play a vital role in capturing the essence of evolving markets and sectors. At Solactive, we are dedicated to equipping our clients and their clients with the means to navigate these dynamic themes. We are honored by DWS’s continued trust in Solactive and look forward to the next collaboration.”