Climate-focused investment and advisory firm Pollination announced today the launch of the Climate and Nature Impact Venture Fund, aimed at investing in early-stage climate and nature solutions companies, with a primary focus on Australian startups. The new fund is targeting a final close of $150 million.

According to Pollination, the new fund aims to invest in standout companies in “net zero disruption” areas, including energy management, clean industries and transport, food and agriculture, carbon and nature management, and circular economy. Investments are expected to be in the range of $4 million – $12 million, and targeting Series A and B-stage companies, with a focus on Australian and selected OECD opportunities.

Pollination CEO Martijn Wilder said:

“This is a significant development that comes at the right time. “We have created the first early stage fund in Australia to seamlessly combine climate and nature solutions, making sure that the opportunity for investors matches emerging market demand as the world mobilises to address the twin climate and nature crises.”

The fund will be led and managed by Pollination’s global investment team. Pollination’s investment business is led by Diana Callebaut, who joined the firm in 2022. Callebaut said:

“Australia has an active and growing base of emerging climate tech companies and has natural advantages in areas such as energy markets, carbon measurement and land regeneration. We will be working hard with our investees to accelerate the development of high-value solutions and connect them early to customers in global markets that are actively seeking to adopt proven solutions.”

Pollination added that the new fund has received a commitment from government-owned investment manager Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC), through its Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC).

QIC Private Equity Investment Director Lottie Tant said:

“By providing scale-up capital to proven and innovative climate technologies in Queensland, a priority sector for our state, this landmark fund will help to close an identified early-stage funding gap in the important Series A and B space. Together, we can support local innovators addressing the global challenges of climate change and nature preservation, leveraging Pollination’s global platform.”