Financial and industry data, research and news provider S&P Global Market Intelligence announced today the launch of Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR), a new dataset tracking power purchase agreements (PPAs) in the U.S., enabling market participants to assess and track clean energy pricing and transaction trends.

Renewable energy PPAs are typically long-term contracts between a company or other power user and a developer or supplier of renewable electricity, often used to help fund the development of new clean energy facilities, and forming a key tool for many companies’ decarbonization plans. The new tool will help facilitate improved transparency and efficiency in the growing PPA market.

The new EQR dataset will provide details on the bulk power transactions, including information on the parties involved, deal prices and duration of the contracts including terms, volumes, rates and location. According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, potential uses of EQR include enabling users to assess trends of clean energy transactions in terms of pricing, energy type and region, helping with due diligence efforts on utilities and plants, as well as forecasting, planning and benchmarking of power plant revenues.

Yash Pandey, Senior Director of Commodities at S&P Global Market Intelligence, said:

“EQR provides our clients with broader new insights into how energy revenues and renewable power purchase agreement pricing are flowing through the country. As the market is continually looking for new data to aid in their evaluation and assessment of the energy markets, EQR enables a unique perspective into how these transactions are trending and help our clients make informed decisions.”

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