NAVEX Integrates ESG Suite into Risk and Compliance Platform

Integrated risk and compliance management software provider NAVEX announced today the integration of its ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. management solution, NAVEX ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments., into its governanceGovernance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights., risk and compliance (GRC) software platform, NAVEX One.
According to NAVEX, the inclusion of the ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. suite into NAVEX One comes as the convergence of corporate risk, compliance and ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. functions is accelerating. NAVEX cited a recent survey in which nearly 90% of risk and compliance professionals said that they include ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. reporting as part of their organization’s overall compliance program.
Key solutions included in NAVEX ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. include ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Disclosures, helping meet multiple reporting requirements for groups including SASB, GRI, TCFD, and CDP, Responsible Supply Chain, helping manage supplier contacts and ensure that suppliers are aligned to ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. goals, Resource Footprint, providing visibility into business’ impact on communities and natural environments, and Conflict Mineral Management, to track sourcing and ensure supply chain compliance for industries reliant on materials from high-risk areas.
Sean Thompson, NAVEX President and COO, said:
“A holistic approach to governanceGovernance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights., risk and compliance management has become a strategic imperative. ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. factors are part of an expanding risk profile and deserve the same attention as other business risks. Integrating NAVEX ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. functionality on the NAVEX One Platform allows customers to create and manage a GRC program that is both data-driven and comprehensive.”
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