BNP Paribas AM Establishes €800 Million Venture and Impact Platform

BNP Paribas Asset Management (BNPP AM) announced the creation of a new entity, the Venture and Impact platform, within its Private Assets division.
Launched with €800 million (USD$879 million) in assets under management, and dedicated to innovation and venture capital, the new platform combines the activities of BNPP AM’s Ecological Transition and Impact, Fintech and the Solar Impulse Venture Fund.
The Venture and Impact platform is led by Yann Lagalaye. Lagalaye has been serving as Head of Ecological Transition & Impact, managing the BNPP Agility Capital team in charge of the Solar Impulse Venture Fund, as well as the BNP Paribas Principal Investment teams in charge of the Ecological Transition Capital venture capital investment line and the Impact investment line dedicated to impact fund, project or small cap with a focused on natural capital and local development.
As part of the reorganization, the firm also announced the appointment of Marinus Oosterbeek and Vincent Baillin as Managing Directors at Opera Tech Ventures (OTV), BNP Paribas Group’s venture capital fund dedicated to the transformation of the financial industry.
Lagalaye said:
“I would like to congratulate Marinus and Vincent on their appointment as Managing Directors. This promotion demonstrates the trust of BNP Paribas Group in their expertise and their ability to accelerate the development of the fund, which plays a key role in the Group’s digital transformation strategy. By positioning OTV within Private Assets’ Venture & Impact platform, we are committed to the growth of a dedicated innovation and venture capital team.”